Get Real With The English Sisters - Mind Health Anxiety
Feeling Anxious? Feel calmer and get much needed anxiety relief. Listen to Mind, Health, Anxiety with The English Sisters the podcast show for mental health that will give you the tools you need to manage your life and your anxiety. Anxiety and overwhelm is on the rise today and most of us experience it in some form or other. The English Sisters, Violeta and Jutka Zuggo are clinical hypnotherapists, business women, authors, wives and mother’s of wonderful grown up children! As hosts of their show they chat about real stuff that empowers, excites and inspires well-being! Always looking to share their point of view and expertise on how you can manage your anxiety and mental health so as to enjoy life! Sharing their experiences to help you live a calmer, happier, fuller and more relaxed life. If you are in need of anxiety relief and want to learn how to manage your mental health, follow Get Real With The English Sisters - Mind Health Anxiety so as not to miss an episode! New episode weekly every Wednesday!
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Get Real With The English Sisters - Mind Health Anxiety
How Daily Habits ACTUALLY Lead to Success
We explore how small daily actions can pave the way for significant success, transforming overwhelming goals into manageable steps. By embracing routines, meal prep, and mindfulness, we can cultivate a fulfilling and productive life.
• Discussing the overwhelm of big plans versus daily habits
• Importance of small actions for motivation and success
• Meal prep as a tool for alleviating daily stress
• Maintaining tidy spaces for mental clarity
• Appreciating small joys to enhance daily living
• Balancing responsibility and indulgence in life
• Encouraging listener engagement and shared experiences
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Love and smiles from The English Sisters.
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yourself up for success. People talk about that a lot, don't they? Yes and um, sometimes it can be like a bit overwhelming when they you think, god, there are so many things that I have to do to set myself up for success. What do I have to actually do to do this? It's, it can be overwhelming. I think it's overwhelming. It can cause so much anxiety as well, because people always say you know what, what are your, what's your five know, what's your five-year plan, what's your 10-year plan, what are your goals? And you can think oh, it's so tiring, I can't think, and your mind just goes blank. And then you get up the next day and you just do the same thing you did the day before. You might not get up when your alarm goes off. You go back to sleep. So that's what we're going to be talking about in this week's episode of Get Real with the English Sisters. Send us a text message, because that's available wherever you listen to your podcast and right in the description, you can send us a text message and tell us how you know, how you feel about our podcast and what you'd like us to talk about in the next episode, and we'll certainly take that into consideration. We will, we will Absolutely, we'll be inspired by it, exactly so, right? So, yeah, this, all this setting yourself up for success, you know, pull up, I mean it can be a lot, can't it? Yeah, for success, you know, pull up, I mean it can be a lot, can't it? Yeah, a friend of mine was telling me the other day that they were supposed to be in work like really early, and they just they set their alarm and in the end, because they haven't got, no, there's no one like checking on them or anything, so in the end they just went back to sleep and they just did, even though they said the night before they said I'm going to get up early, I'm setting my alarm, I'm, you know, I'm going to do this. And then when they heard the alarm, they just went back to sleep. And so it got me thinking about setting yourself up for success, but like on a daily basis. And then that will like have a. It'll have like the domino effect, right, yeah, it will compound, like compound interest, and by the end of the year or whatever exactly, had a very successful year. Yeah, I, I do agree with you, because sometimes, looking at this big picture, like thinking, okay, by the end of this year I want to have my business totally set up, I want to make so much money and I want to do this.
Speaker 1:And then you find that each single day you know you're not actually taking those tiny little actions that you need to take in order to get that done and you end up procrastinating because you don't do those small things. So this is about the small things. As usual in life, really, everything, it's always thing is tiny, tiny things that compound it is it's making that one phone call, filling up that one form, no matter how boring it is, and just sending it off. You know it's all that, that the admin stuff as well. Sometimes that can get you bogged down. So you have to think do it like one tiny thing. So today, what do I do? I have to do I have to phone get that done. One little thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, meal prep. My daughter was telling me she's so funny because she was saying, mum, this meal prep is so. She lives in London and we were on the phone. She said this meal prep is so hard. How do people do it? They prepare and I go yeah, yeah, it's really hard, but I go, it's really nice when you've got a really nice it is and tea and dinner to look forward to. And it's been so funny because ever since I said that, she's been meal prepping every week and she loves it really. So she just goes and buys, like on monday she'll buy her meals for two for the whole week, for the whole, and she'll cook them on that day wow, I didn't know she did that. And so then she puts them in the fridge and then she's got them. And then she said it makes such a difference. Yeah, because she's like she says it's a relief, mum, because I'm, first of all, I'm got my nice lunches to look forward to, that she takes to work with her. Yeah, so, and that's like setting yourself up in a small way. Those are little things that you can do that are going to make you feel good and they're going to make you more productive in the end. No, it doesn't actually sound that little, though, like you have to go and buy all food like for a whole week.
Speaker 1:I find that basically she's put it down to two mil. She doesn't mind eating the same thing every day. No, right. Like a soup for the evening okay, soup, okay. Like a bolognese sauce for the for lunch. Oh great. She says that'll last like four days. Oh, I see, so like one kind of day. She says she just has whatever.
Speaker 1:Well, yeah, friday, sort of like it's almost a weekend Weekend. Yeah, oh, okay, yeah, that's a good idea actually. Yeah, that's a lot of people are doing that nowadays. Well, yeah, because there is no time when you come back home from work either. Yeah, when I was at the supermarket, I was just thinking this feeding yourself is a full-time job.
Speaker 1:It really is, because just thinking about your meals and what you have to buy and what you have to free, well, imagine once upon a time you had to go and hunt for the food. I mean, that was your life was finding food. That was what it was, wasn't, it was finding food. Now we have to do so many things. Yeah, you'd have to find and cultivate your own food, and that was mainly. But that would give a lot of satisfaction as well. But I'm sure it's very hard. It wasn't very, very hard. Easy life no, it's much easier now, but it's harder in other ways.
Speaker 1:Exactly, yes, but going back to setting yourself up for success for the day, it's like it's the little things like you wouldn't think of unless you're really depressed, and then I would recommend that you do do this, like you wouldn't think of unless you're really depressed, and then I would recommend that you do do this, but you wouldn't think of leaving the house without brushing your teeth, for instance. No. So it's these little actions that every day, without doing your hair, having a shower, it's these little things that set you up for a nice day, to look forward to a nice day ahead, and then also, I think, plan something nice in the day as well. Make sure you're absolutely right thing to do in the day, what like every single day, every single day. So, whether it's going for a little coffee or getting even just getting a coffee on your way to work, or whatever you like, I do that. Nice fruit, yeah, something that you, something that you enjoy. Or making sure that during the day you go and do that nice fruit yeah, something that you, something that you enjoy. Or making sure that during the day you go and have a nice chat with someone. You phone a friend, you go and see a friend. You know that does set you up for success. That really does, because it inspires you, because otherwise just the everyday life can be so it can be. You know it can be like a treadmill, can't it like a wheel like, yeah, it's like, by the end of the week you think, okay, so what happened this week? And you know, I don't know, it was one big blob. You know, I went to work, came back, fell asleep on the couch, watch this, fell asleep back. You know, you want to sort of like make sure that by the end of the week there's one or two things you remember, like, even like what you said eating that nice piece of fruit, something, yeah, or a cake, yeah, whatever, I went to get that and and I ate that and that was lovely. Or I because you enjoyed it, not just because you were eating it. You didn't even realize you ate it. No, that's another thing to go through life mindfully. Yes, so important, it's so important, yeah, it's like, ok, I choose to eat this now and, oh wow, was it delicious? Certainly was it was delicious. It sounds like you were that lovely cake.
Speaker 1:I get there, you go, and these small things. I think that's the aim, but it would be. You know, it's really nice when you close your eyes at night to also think about something nice that happened that day, whether you spent time with a loved one or you enjoyed cuddling your pet. What was it that you? You know that was nice about that day, yeah, yeah. And it can also be a really simple thing, like I was thinking, like if I leave, when I leave the house for the day, if I make sure that I've left everything more or less tidy when I come home, it's really nice to see a tidy house and not come back to a big mess. And so these are little things that we've learned throughout the years.
Speaker 1:Yes, you just, you know, as you go along, you put things away. So if you get something out, you put it away straight away, and then that like cuts down because that can make you feel so good, yeah. Or like down because that can make you feel so good, yeah. Or like your workspace as well set yourself up with a lovely workspace, like that can make such a difference so that you've got a nice, something nice to look at, a nice photo. Do you remember in england, like I do remember like it used to be this tradition there was always flowers outside the train station and you would just buy, like some fresh daffodils and take them home and just sort of like enjoy them, or or put them, put them like in your office area, just fill the fill them up with yeah, do you remember that? I mean, I don't know if this is like something they've still got that, yeah, and it used to be.
Speaker 1:It used to be you very economical, so it wasn't expensive to buy yourself like a bunch of. No, no, especially the daffodils were cheap. Yeah, like One pound. They were like a pound, exactly, but that was years ago. Well, of course it was years. Oh, no, worry about that. It must be in relation to the lifestyle. Yeah, but it was something that anybody could sort of like if you were working, obviously working, obviously you could, you could afford to buy yourself some something really pretty and beautiful to look at and those small things, I want those nature, isn't it? And we are nature and we cannot forget that. So we, we are reminded of that when we see things that grow and direct. You know, I mean, it's so beautiful, that are so beautiful.
Speaker 1:Yes, so I know, say, if you're allergic to like, I'm allergic but my son's allergic, but daffodils are okay actually. Yeah, they don't give me a lot of scent in them though. Yeah, very perfect with some of them. I bought some of the other day at the supermarket, the ones that are forced because they're early. Yeah, yeah, yeah, in the greenhouse, but I put them outside on the terrace and they've been fine. But they're really pretty to see because it makes me feel like real. You know, spring is really in the air. Well, that's what I mean.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you know, it's these small little things, things that you do also for yourself, because it's not that somebody else has to buy you these flowers. If you like them, you can go and buy yourself something Something you know, even that's. Or you can compose yourself this lovely vase of flowers by yourself. Yeah, or even like With twigs and things. I was going to say you're allergic. You know even the silk flowers. You know the fake ones. They're still really beautiful to look at. We have a few in our home and I'm really enjoying them. The silk flowers, the, the. You know the fake ones. They're still really beautiful to look at. We have a few in our home and I do. I have some white ones. I do enjoy looking at them. Yeah, you're right actually.
Speaker 1:Yeah, or just changing it up. I know sometimes when you're really overwhelmed, you can think I can't be bothered to change anything. It's too tiring, but you'll be surprised if you make that effort, if you say, if you say yes, I'm going to set myself up for success today. I'm going to make sure that my yes. Wherever I live, it looks nice, yes, and tidy, yeah, and I've got nice, something nice to look forward to it to eat in the evening. Yes, yes, absolutely, and take care of yourself.
Speaker 1:Something healthy to eat, like you know. It's all right to have something like really, you know, enjoyable at the weekend, but then during the week, during the week, you can, just as you can, really enjoy, like yesterday, I made a chicken broth with the vegetables, which I really enjoyed, did you? There? You go? No, with the vegetables, I mean chicken broth. No, I just made a minestrone, but I added a real chicken. Oh, right, right, yeah, so so it was. I cooked it in the pressure cooker and it was really delicious, nice, oh, okay, it was a bit. Obviously it's a bit more effort because you have to take the chicken out and then you have to debone it, whatever, but in the end it was so delicious that it was worth it.
Speaker 1:I just made pasta fagioli, which is just like this it's just, it's just canned, uh, uh, what are they called beans? No, I don't like, I'll use the red kidney beans and then, yeah, I just sort of like mix them up in a little pan with a little tiny bit of. So, yeah, is it unusual? I think, I don't know, was probably yeah, because I mean they kind of taste the same, but I think I prefer the red colour in them and I just made them. But maybe they've got more antioxidants in them, I don't know. I just made them, you know, with some pasta that I had left over, that lasagna pasta. You know the fresh stuff. I just cut that up. Oh, you cut that up? Yeah, I just used it and put it in there and in this bowl with water and and and.
Speaker 1:Anyway, it was really nice and it was ready in 20 minutes because I came home from work, I was tired. I was so tired and I thought, oh no, we need to eat something healthy. And who cares, do you know what time we ate? In the end it was only 5 30, so, all right, my son was saying mom, you can't have what is this your dinner? It's like tea time. I go, who cares? We're hungry. Well, in england they used to have tea at 5 30, yeah, but tea was like no, no, they used to eat dinner dinner, right. Yeah, yeah, I know fine, yeah, so it was 5 30 and we ate and anyway, if you're hungry yeah, I mean, I'm very flexible in my eating times. If I'm hungry, I just eat. I make an early dinner. Yeah, definitely, absolutely, and it was nice.
Speaker 1:But it's these little things, little things as well. I think about being flexible because, say, you're set on your ways and you think, no, I have to eat at 8. Yes, that's what my son said. You're going to get into a bad mood because you come home and you're starving and you have to wait. Or you're gonna get into a bad mood because you come home and you're starving and you have to wait. You're gonna start scoffing some crisps or something. That's what would. That's what would have happened, because in the end, I would have probably gone to tea biscuits trying to find some kind of, instead of just eating a healthy meal. Yeah, it's. I think setting yourself up for success is also listening to your body, your body and your mind and thinking what do I need right now to give me sustenance? Exactly, it's always about the little things. Yeah, it's about those little things, even like in the morning.
Speaker 1:I've got this coffee mug that I really like, so I make sure that I have my morning. I don't know about my coffee mug. I hate it if someone else takes it. Yeah, the other day my husband used my coffee mug. I hate it if someone else takes it. Yeah, the other day my husband used my coffee mug and I was like why he goes? It's the same, it's just a different color. It's the same as mine, yeah, but that's my mug. I really want to have my coffee in it.
Speaker 1:I mean, and I was thinking this is you know, but in the end I switched. I go, do you mind? Because it's sort of like it's a habit, it's comforting, but it there's also something. In the end I switched. I go, do you mind? Because it's sort of like it's a habit, it's comforting, but there's also something in the colour of that mug that I really enjoy. What colour is it? No, it's just my light pink one. Actually, the pink is pretty. It's pretty, yeah, and it's very large. You know, it's a bit larger than his and anyway, but that's.
Speaker 1:I was thinking you know, this is such a silly small thing, but it kind of like well, I've got one. I've got two, just only two of them that I use and they're just. They're white china ones, but they're large, yeah, they're extra, and I love them, and if they're not there, I don't. I don't, it's not the same, is it? No, I don't find it wash it. So these are those tiny small things that set you up for success, because you know that in the morning You're gonna have a lovely cup of coffee with that, yeah, or whatever you drink.
Speaker 1:Setting you up yeah, whatever you drink, setting you up for success is also making sure you do get out when you set your alarm and don't Get in the habit of turning it off, because I think if you get into habits, into like in quotation, bad habits of like turning your alarm off and you're not gonna, you're gonna get used to that and you're just, and it's gonna make you feel more tired and more sleepy and like more sorry for yourself that you have to get up, whereas if you just automate some processes, like getting up, you think, okay, I'm gonna get up at eight o'clock or seven o'clock or six o'clock, whenever you have to get up, and you, you know you do actually get up. It's a lot better for your, for your brain because your mind gets used to it and then you'll do it again. It becomes well. It's also showing you that you're doing something, you're completing that one action, so you're, you're demonstrating to yourself that you can do it. That's a good, and that you know that sets you up for other things you can do exactly. So it's like, okay, I did that, and even though you don't want to get up, but you do it, that sets you up for if I did that, then I can do other things. It's like unconsciously telling your mind that you can do things. That's so. Yeah, that might not be that nice. So you say, right, I did that. I got out of my warm bed in the morning and I can do other things too and you can do them and you will be like you. You get your satisfaction from doing them as well, even things that you don't like, that you get up, but then you have the reward like we have of our coffee mug that we really like. So, yeah, it's like things that you don't like doing and you add small things, which is, I think, what? How most people get through life. Yes, this is a very common thing, it's just that sometimes we can forget it.
Speaker 1:I think, yeah, yeah, it is. It's like reward. It's like rewarding yourself for for little things that you do. Yes, and you know it's important to give yourself those rewards but also to do the thing like. I think it is important, yeah, because some people think it's like spoiling yourself and you should be really, you know, but life isn't on yourself.
Speaker 1:No, I don't believe in that. No, if you look like what you were saying, referring back to nature, nature can be hard, it can be cold and it can be, you know, there can be a blizzard out there, but then you know the sun will come out again and there's time for, like, what the cats do, and they stretch out in the sunshine, you know, and they roll on the grass and they enjoy it. So that that's, that's how we were meant to be. We're meant to go through hard times but then also to be able to enjoy, yeah, ourselves outside and and in the warm times, and give ourselves pleasant things, give ourselves pleasure, exactly, yes, because life cannot be without pleasure.
Speaker 1:No, it has to be both. It has to be a balance, doesn't it? Absolutely it does. So let us know what you do to give yourself happiness and feel, feeling good, good vibes and energy, and you know it can be as just a simple thing, like taking a walk every day which does make us feel very good, a cup of coffee, whatever it is that makes you feel good. Let us know in the comments, send us a text, and we really look forward to hearing from you. Lots of love and smiles from the English sisters. Bye.